• In the Studio with Volker Vieregg

    My name is Volker and immersion in an intuitive painting process determines my creative work. I like to experiment, design and develop compositions of images that take back the power of colors, sometimes subtle, sometimes intense or stimulating. Studio I have been working for 8 years in my own studio, which I have rented in our town. There I can pursue…

  • In the Studio with Julia Tulub

    Studio I work from home where I have a tiny studio. I am there most of the time when I paint as it has a very nice light. But I am no stranger to move my easel, pencils and paints all around the house, whenever I want to be closer to my family or just need a change of scenery.…

  • In the Studio with Natalya Vorobyova

    My name is Natalya and I am part of the Balthasart community. There are a lot of talented artists on the Balthasart and everyone can be inspired, the artworks are unique! I like artwork by Luigi Iona, Emanuele Bevilacqua, Cornelia Hauch, and many other artists.  Studio I live and work in Riga. My studio is my home. The area is small, but enough…

  • In the Studio with Kat Leimner

    I am an abstract artist and painter from Berlin, living in Valencia, Spain. Art has been a big part of my life since I was little. My Dad used to sew his own pants and my grandfather was a guitarist in a popular band in eastern Germany. From early ages I sang in a choir and played the guitar and…

  • Protect your Art Now : Art Certificate and Artist Signature Matter

    Now you have started to sell your art pieces online with balthasart. There are thousands of people seeing your artwork every day. This is great! However, with all this extra exposure, you want to be protected from plagiarism! We are here to ensure that all our artists in our community are well prepared for any situation. By signing your work…

  • How to sell photos online to make money

    Are you passionate about photography? Do you like to make money with your photo? In this article, we will explain to you how to sell photos online!  Following our previous article regarding how to sell art online, we would like to share a few more tips dedicated to photography as a relatively new contemporary art medium. It plays an innovative…

  • still life painting of vase chair table
    Still life painting and photography: why artists love it

    Still life painting A still life (nature morte) is a painting that depicts an arrangement of inanimate objects. These items are usually placed on the table and often include organic items such as fruits and flowers and household items such as glass and textiles. The term “still life” comes from the Dutch word “stilleven,” which gained importance in the 16th century. Hundreds of…

  • In the Studio with Michael Ehni

    I am Michael Ehni, born in 1970, I live and work in the district of Göppingen in a small town in the Swabian Alb. I contribute my knowledge, skills and experience in the field of education for children and young people from socially disadvantaged and migrant families. In addition, I am also a freelance artist. Studio After the death of…

  • In the Studio with Felix Günther

    Our artist Felix Günther takes you on a journey to impressionist landscapes. Read everything about him in this article! About the artist I was born in Poland and have lived in Germany for 40 years. In the 80s I attended a 2-year private study of painting and drawing in Poland.Unfortunately, my professional career allowed me to paint only in my…

  • In the Studio with Sabine Kraftmeier

    We had the chance to speak with Sabine about her studio, her artworks and her inspiration. Have a closer look for an explosion of colors to light up your day! Studio My office at home is also my studio. The computer is on the desk and the floor is covered, ready for painting. For large formats, where the paint –…