Our artist Felix Günther takes you on a journey to impressionist landscapes. Read everything about him in this article!
About the artist
I was born in Poland and have lived in Germany for 40 years. In the 80s I attended a 2-year private study of painting and drawing in Poland.
Unfortunately, my professional career allowed me to paint only in my spare time. Fortunately, for about five years I have been able to paint whenever I want.
My studio is located outside my apartment and is not very big. I plan to change this to be able to paint more large-scale paintings.

New artworks

In recent years, I have switched almost completely to acrylic paints. I am fascinated by these colors.
The same applies to the painting techniques, which I always like to change and look for new ways.
I paint mainly abstract compositions and abstract landscapes.
At that time, and of course still today, I am fascinated by the painting of Claude Monet and Mihály Munkácsy.
In a constantly changing time, I find many artists who create wonderful works and partly influence my work.
However, the theme of my painting has been the landscape from the very beginning, in the past more realistic, today I am fascinated by the abstract style.
The basis of my inspiration are authentic experiences, places, encounters or fragments of landscapes.
But mainly the subconscious, reinforced by the imagination, is the co-creator of my paintings.
In my paintings I stop time, and want to encourage the viewer to contemplate.
When I start to paint a picture, I have a thought beforehand, which I would like to implement. Most of the time I succeed in implementing the plan.
At this point begins this wonderful process, in which the thoughts concentrate only on this.
In this phase, different images are created and one has to decide when the image is ready. This process acts like a mental cure and makes you happy.
In my paintings I do not convey complicated ideologies or philosophical theories, I just want to awaken the viewer’s sensitivity to aesthetics and beauty.
Don’t let this up-and-coming artist slip under your radar!
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