A playlist to admire and make art to!
I’m Eric from the baltha’team and I wanted to share a small selection of songs that I hope will inspire you. If you are an art-lover or an artist and want to imagine yourself in a Parisian gallery admiring some talented artist’s artworks on a sunny winter afternoon, here’s a playlist for you!
Soul music is eternal and can be listened to at any time. It will always make you feel something that you didn’t feel before.
In this very mixed playlist, I tried to gather tracks that I think are timeless and will make you think in the past, the present moment, or the future.
These melodies have been written by some of the most talented musicians that our world has known for different reasons, but have all had some impact in their own way.
Next to this music, I prepared a small collection of artworks that I believe will make you travel in further horizons.
Hope you like this menu.
With love